Donate to Loving Solutions

EIN: 81-4127364

Your support enables us to continue helping women struggling with methamphetamine addictions

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An estimated $16,000 per resident annually is what it costs to keep Loving Solutions operational. For a house of 8, that's $192,000 that must be raised every year.

Loving Solutions is completely free of charge to residents. Many women we help come to Loving Solutions straight from the street, from prison, or from households plagued by horrific dysfunction. Many women we help are essentially homeless.

You donation provides:

  • Food, shelter, and clothing for up to eight women at a time.
  • Salaries for staff who work daily with the girls.
  • Changed lives in women freed from the shackles of addiction.

Loving Solutions exists to see mothers restored, daughters returned, and loved children of God shining bright like they were created to! We depend on the kind donations of members of community to keep our program running - financial contributions are welcomed and appreciated.

Loving Solutions is a register 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. EIN: 81-4127364. All donations are 100% tax-deductible.

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donate loving solutions drug rehab

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Help for Women in Shreveport LA

Contribute to Loving Solutions and Change Lives

Loving Solutions holistic approach to recovery ministry and Christian discipleship is changing lives. We depend on donations to keep our discipleship program running. Make a difference by donating today.

If you'd like to learn more about the heart behind loving solutions, read the articles written by Dr. Goeders linked below.